Saturday, January 16, 2010

Pretty crazy stuff happening this week in Haiti. It's unfathomable to hear that some Haitian officials are predicting the death toll to top 100,000, and maybe reach as many as 200,000.

I heard someone on the radio today that really pointed out the key to all of this. He said,

"The earthquake didn't kill these people. Poverty did."

And I tend to believe him. Haiti has, for a long time now, been the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. With a government that is in continuous upheaval, a land that has been stripped of its natural resources, and an infrastructure that is held together by mud and sticks, the situation was primed for such a devastating event.

The recovery is underway, but now some four days after this event, unrest is building. Starvation and dehydration are becoming the greater problems. Supplies are bottlenecked, and people are going from thankful for having survived to once again fighting for their lives.

My wife and I, just in the past few months, had been considering and praying about the possibility of adopting from Haiti. We had made contact with an agency in the country. The doors weren't open yet for us, but now, part of me wonders if "our children" are safe?

If you haven't given, but can, please don't wait. There are many good organizations you can donate to.

If you can't give, then pray for the people. Pray for the children. Pray for the rescue efforts still underway. Pray for those that need healing, those that need help, and those that need hope.

I certainly am.

Posted by Posted by Patrick at 9:27 PM


